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美国海关出入境 FinCEN 105 Form 申报表格填写下载说明

美国海关出入境 FinCEN 105 form 申报表格

入境美国,除了要填写美国海关入境申报表,还要留意是不是需要填报 FinCEN 105 表格。美国海关和财政部反金融犯罪执法网络规定:入境或者出境美国时,如果随身携带超过10,000美金的货币(美金或等值外币)或者金融票据,就必须要填报 FinCEN 105表格给U.S. CBP(美国海关边境保卫局)。

关于 FinCEN 105 form 表格的常见问题

什么是 FinCEN 105 form 表格?

FinCEN 105 Form 全称 “Report of International Transportation of Currency or Monetary Instruments”,简称“CMIR”,大概就是“国际货币流转申报”的意思。FinCEN 的全称是“Financial Crimes Enforcement Network”,就是美国财政部的反金融犯罪执法网络。

为什么要填写 FinCEN 105 表格?

国际银行间的电子转账是有电脑自动记录的,但是如果是人肉携带现金或者是邮寄,这些是没办法知道的,所以要求出入境的旅客主动申报。具体背景可以到FinCEN 官网了解:CMIR guidance for common carriers of currency, including armored car services



什么情况或者什么时候要填写 FinCEN 105 Form 表格?

入境或者出境美国时,如果随身携带超过10,000美金的货币(美金或等值外币)或者金融票据,就必须要填报 FinCEN 105表格给U.S. CBP(美国海关边境保卫局)。


美国海关官网的说明:Money and Other Monetary Instruments

You may bring into or take out of the country, including by mail, as much money as you wish. However, if it is more than $10,000, you will need to report it to CBP. Ask the CBP officer for the Currency Reporting Form (FinCen 105). The penalties for non-compliance can be severe.

“Money” means monetary instruments and includes U.S. or foreign coins currently in circulation, currency, travelers’ checks in any form, money orders, and negotiable instruments or investment securities in bearer form.

FinCEN 官网说明:FinCEN Form 105 – Currency and Other Monetary Instruments Report

For individuals and companies, as defined in 31 CFR 1010.100(mm) (formerly 31 CFR 103.11(z)) that transports, ships, or mails more than $10,000 into or out of the United States. 31 CFR 1010.340 (formerly 31 CFR 103.23)

哪些人需要填写 FinCEN 105 表格?

所有出入境的旅客,包括美国公民、绿卡永久居民、外国访问旅客等,只要携带超过10,000美金或者等额外币、票据,就必须要填报 FinCEN 105表格。

什么时候、在哪里填报 FinCEN 105表格?

旅客在入境或者离境美国时,提交给海关官员。可以在入境、离境前先打印填好,也可以询问海关官员当场拿表填报。更多详细信息,请下载 FinCEN 105 form,查看第二页“When and Where to File”。

A. Recipients—Each person who receives currency or other monetary instruments in the United States shall file FinCEN Form 105, within 15 days after receipt of the currency or monetary instruments, with the Customs officer in charge at any port of entry or departure or by mail addressed to: Attn: CMIR, Passenger Systems Directorate #1256, CBP, 7375 Boston Blvd., DHS, VA 20598-1256.
B. Shippers or Mailers— lf the currency or other monetary instrument does not accompany the person entering or departing the United States, FinCEN Form 105 may be filed by mail on or before the date of entry, departure, mailing, or shipping addressed to: Attn: CMIR, Passenger Systems Directorate #1256, CBP, 7375 Boston Blvd., DHS, VA 20598-1256
C. Travelers—Travelers carrying currency or other monetary instruments with them shall file FinCEN Form 105 at the time of entry into the United States or at the time of departure from the United States with the Customs officer in charge at any Customs port of entry or departure.

不申报 FinCEN 108 表格会有什么后果?


FinCEN 105 表格是否有中文版?

目前 FinCEN 105 表格没有中文及其它语言版本, 只有英文版。

从哪里可以获取或者下载 FinCEN 105 表格?

FinCEN 105 表格填写说明及注意事项

大概整理一下 FinCEN 105 申报表格的每一项含义及填写说明,仅供参考。具体官方解释请下载 FinCEN 105 表格,在表格的第2页有详细的定义和解释说明。

PART I 第一部分 当事人信息

PART II 第二部分 代理人/机构信息


PART III 第三部分 货币及金融票据信息

PART IV 第四部分 签名

Customs and Border Protection Use Only


FinCEN 105 表格样例

最后附一张 FinCEN 105 form 申报表格样例,仅供参考。

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